How can I stay here in this silent place
Since you have left me here to walk alone
How can I breathe in this vast emptiness
Or any longer call this place my home

Thankfully, I have had a roof over my head every single day of my life, a safe place to retreat to every night. But whether it’s been a house, a hotel, a tent, or a car, it has never been home to me; they were all just places.

Where is my home, my beloved one
You are where my heart has gone
Where is my home, my beloved one
Where my love is there is home

When death came and took my beloved mother away from me, it took my home away from me as well. I had already come to know that home for me was a person. It was Momma.

Now as I travel through this wilderness
I will my eyes to see around each curve
And long for solace in one last embrace
In my vain hope of meeting my love there

Gone was my sense of security and comfort; gone were any true feelings of belonging or being unconditionally loved by someone in this world. The one who knew and loved me best, inside and out for all that I am, was gone.

But I am so relieved and grateful that it doesn’t end there!! This world isn’t the end of my story, for I know what is yet to come!

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus….Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:14, &17).

I know that soon I’ll leave this vale of woe
As I cross over to that other shore
At last I’ll see my dear love standing there
Finally together, I will be at home 


